Thursday, January 21, 2010

Halfway There!

Mom had her 4th Chemo treatment yesterday only 4 to go! I told her that this is the better half considering that once this half is over that she is done! Next time she will be starting a different Chemo medication so the side affects might be a little different. Sounds like hopefully they won't be any worse just different (numbness in her fingertips/body aches). Last week was the worst week Mom has had. She felt miserable and wasn't able to do much of anything. Hoping the next 2 weeks are better for her! The Sunshine basket from the Church came at a perfect time and it really made her feel better to thanks to everyone for that! She still has some to open so that was a great and thoughtful idea to last awhile! Cards, phone calls, and other ways of support are still coming in and we still very much appreciate it!

Friday, January 8, 2010

3 down......5 to go!

Mom is gaining on it! She had her 3rd treatment on Wednesday the 6th (dad's bday). Overall, she is doing pretty well. She is still struggling with extreme fatigue but she is learning what she can do and can't do! She also has been cursed with nasty headaches that she can't seem to get rid of. Thanks to everyone for continued prayers, cards, calls, and meals! I will probably be getting ahold of folks soon to line up meals for the next couple of months!