Friday, June 25, 2010


Mom finished up her Radiation treatments yesterday 06/24/2010. She was diagnosed on October 13th and had a surgery before that. So this whole process has been about 9 months. Hopefully Mom can enjoy her summer before she heads back to work in August. Thanks for everyone who has supported our family throughout this whole ordeal. This will probably be the last post on this blog but thanks to all who visited. I have a blog for our family that I try to keep updated if you are interested check it out.

Start each day with a smile, live-love-and laugh awhile!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Long Process

Mom has been doing Radiation for awhile and it is starting it's toll. The fatigue started to set in about a week ago and she has a pretty nasty burn that they are treating and trying to heal up. She has had to miss 2 days so that has set her back just a little bit. They are able to treat the spot where the lump was and then they will go back and finish up the rest and hopefully by then the burn will be in better shape. I talked to Mom last night and she is ready for it all to be over with. It has been about 8 months so it's a long ordeal. She is set to be finished June 25, 2010 so we can all hope that she is able to stay on schedule and get this done and over with!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Mom started her Radiation yesterday. She said the computer went down so it took a little bit longer but normally it should only take about 15 minutes. The drive there is about 45 minutes though. The doctor said she shouldn't notice to fatigue for 2-3 weeks (hopefully that is the case). She has to go for 6 1/2 weeks so I figure she should be done the week of June 13th. Which is 8 months post diagnosis. It's been a long 8 months for Mom but she has been doing the best she can with it all and we all really appreciate all the support you all have given her!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mission Chemo-------Complete!

Mom finished up her Chemo treatments 2 weeks ago! What a relief. She has about a month off and then will start her course of Radiation which will be 6 weeks (5 days a week). Mom had a pretty good week last week but over the weekend she caught a cold and has been having a little bit of a rough time. Hopefully, she will start feeling better today.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1 MORE 1 MORE 1 MORE!!!!!!!

7 down 1 to go! Easy for me to say but thank goodness only one more treatment. Mom had her 7th treatment yesterday. These treatments are very long. She said she got there shortly after 9 and didn't leave until sometime after 2. I hope that she does better this round. She had pretty bad bone pain mainly in her legs. It started last time on Wednesday so keep her in your prayers that the pain doesn't get so bad this time! Thanks again for all the support. One more Chemo then she'll have about a month off and start radiation which will be 5 days a week in Bryan.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

6 Down 2 To Go!

Gaining on it! Only two more treatments to go! The worst seems to be behind Mom! She is doing a little better with these treatments but of course as good as you can! She has been able to do a little more and seems to mainly just (I use that term lightly) have the fatigue and some body aches that come and go. Overall, she is taking this on like a champ! After the Chemo she will have about 2 weeks off and then she'll have to undergo 6 weeks of Radiation (5 days a week). The side effects from that sound like it will again be mostly fatigue. The worst part is that Defiance doesn't have a radiation center so she'll have to drive Bryan everyday which from their house is about a 45 minute drive. There have been plenty of volunteers to help get her there though! (Thanks for that!) Until next time!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Minor Setback

Normally Mom would have her next Chemo treatment tomorrow but last time there was a little miscommuncation and Mom thought she wasn't supposed to get a shot the day after Chemo (she had normally been getting the shot the next day--but she started the new Chemo drug and she thought she wasn't supposed to)--anyways. She was supposed to get the shot and so when she saw the doctor last Monday he had her get it then and she has to wait 2 weeks from the date of the shot to have her next treatment. So instead of tomorrow she will have her next Chemo treatment on Monday 02/22. She seems to be doing a little better this go around--it is just constant fatigue but other than that she seems to be physically feeling better. That's it for now!