Thursday, February 25, 2010

6 Down 2 To Go!

Gaining on it! Only two more treatments to go! The worst seems to be behind Mom! She is doing a little better with these treatments but of course as good as you can! She has been able to do a little more and seems to mainly just (I use that term lightly) have the fatigue and some body aches that come and go. Overall, she is taking this on like a champ! After the Chemo she will have about 2 weeks off and then she'll have to undergo 6 weeks of Radiation (5 days a week). The side effects from that sound like it will again be mostly fatigue. The worst part is that Defiance doesn't have a radiation center so she'll have to drive Bryan everyday which from their house is about a 45 minute drive. There have been plenty of volunteers to help get her there though! (Thanks for that!) Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. You are still in our Prayers Kathy! Keep up the fight!

    Randy & Tracey
