Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2 Down...6 To Go.

Mom had her 2nd Chemo Treatment last Wednesday the 23rd. This time things seemed to be a little better. She is still very easily fatigued but it will probably be that way for the next 6 months or so until this is all done and over with. On a good note though, she really didn't feel nauseated like last time so that has been a good thing.Jason, Austin, and I headed to Defiance on the 24th for a brief Chirstmas lunch with Mom, Dad, and Andy. Today Adam and the crew is heading back from Tennessee and will be in Defiance until Saturday and we are heading there Friday. I'm sure Mom will be glad to see all the kids......sure she'll be happy when they are gone too :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Good news....for once!

Mom had the genetic testing done to determine if she had the mutation in her BRCA genes. If she had the mutation then the chances of recurrence were not very good odds--so if the mutation was present the next step would have been a double masectomy. She got the word today that she does NOT have the mutation which is a huge relief! Once the chemo is done she will probably still have to go for radiation should not have to have surgery. Also, this is good news for myself and my two pretty little nieces. If mom had the mutation in the gene there is a risk of it being passed down. So good news there! 2nd Chemo treatment is still on for the 23rd.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Winter Break

Mom has been put on Extended Medical Leave from work. It isn't really her health that is keeping her off--she is only part time and she has used all of her sick time so the school board decided that since she would have to be taking time off because of her treatments and dr appointments that the best thing to do for the time being is to put her on leave. Basically, the end result is they are holding her job for up to 2 years. Obviously, she doesn't expect to be out that long but good to know that she has a job when this is all said and done. I told her what better time to have off than the winter when it's cold and nasty she won't have to get out in it daily. She will have to go to the appointments and treatment but that won't be every day. She has been pretty fatigued and still not feeling too well--her body seems to still be adjusting to the Chemo. I think her having the break from work will be a good thing so she can just focus on getting the treatments in and getting better! Next Chemo is still scheduled for 12/23/09.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

1 down 7 to go!

Mom's first chemo went pretty well (as well as chemotherapy can go?!?!?). She got a headache about half and hour after she was done and then went home ate a little lunch and took at nap. About 6:30 she started to feel nauseated but was able to eat a little she never got sick. Today she said she felt better this morning and that she was just tired. So far so good. From what the nurses said, sounds like there is a better chance that she might start to get sick this weekend. Fingers crossed that she won't but if she does they did give her some medication to help. She will go every other week for 16 weeks. So basically a total of 8 treatments with weekly blood draws and doctor's appointments in between. So that is the latest!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Chemotherapy Begins

Mom starts Chemo tomorrow at 10:15 at Defiance Hospital. I am planning to take her and spend the night there to make sure that everything goes alright. Keeps the prayers coming!