Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Winter Break

Mom has been put on Extended Medical Leave from work. It isn't really her health that is keeping her off--she is only part time and she has used all of her sick time so the school board decided that since she would have to be taking time off because of her treatments and dr appointments that the best thing to do for the time being is to put her on leave. Basically, the end result is they are holding her job for up to 2 years. Obviously, she doesn't expect to be out that long but good to know that she has a job when this is all said and done. I told her what better time to have off than the winter when it's cold and nasty she won't have to get out in it daily. She will have to go to the appointments and treatment but that won't be every day. She has been pretty fatigued and still not feeling too well--her body seems to still be adjusting to the Chemo. I think her having the break from work will be a good thing so she can just focus on getting the treatments in and getting better! Next Chemo is still scheduled for 12/23/09.

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