Thursday, February 25, 2010

6 Down 2 To Go!

Gaining on it! Only two more treatments to go! The worst seems to be behind Mom! She is doing a little better with these treatments but of course as good as you can! She has been able to do a little more and seems to mainly just (I use that term lightly) have the fatigue and some body aches that come and go. Overall, she is taking this on like a champ! After the Chemo she will have about 2 weeks off and then she'll have to undergo 6 weeks of Radiation (5 days a week). The side effects from that sound like it will again be mostly fatigue. The worst part is that Defiance doesn't have a radiation center so she'll have to drive Bryan everyday which from their house is about a 45 minute drive. There have been plenty of volunteers to help get her there though! (Thanks for that!) Until next time!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Minor Setback

Normally Mom would have her next Chemo treatment tomorrow but last time there was a little miscommuncation and Mom thought she wasn't supposed to get a shot the day after Chemo (she had normally been getting the shot the next day--but she started the new Chemo drug and she thought she wasn't supposed to)--anyways. She was supposed to get the shot and so when she saw the doctor last Monday he had her get it then and she has to wait 2 weeks from the date of the shot to have her next treatment. So instead of tomorrow she will have her next Chemo treatment on Monday 02/22. She seems to be doing a little better this go around--it is just constant fatigue but other than that she seems to be physically feeling better. That's it for now!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

5 Down 3 To Go!

Well Mom is over the halfway point! She had her 5th treatment yesterday (it was like 4 hours UGH!) But so far she seemed to be doing well. Just the same ole fatigue but that will be an issue for the duration I'm afraid. Mom did have a slight infection in her arm a few weeks ago and that is probably what made her so sick. The infection has cleared up and she seems to be doing much better. Again, I don't want to sound like a broken record but I (WE) really do appreciate all the continued support--it has made this whole ordeal a bit easier to manage!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Better Week

Mom seemed to do a little better with the treatment this go around. This time it was more fatigue than anything--she didn't get the headaches or mouth sores quite as bad as before so that was a good thing. She goes for #5 on Wednesday. She is gaining on it!