Monday, November 23, 2009

Update--Chemo in about 2 weeks

Mom is healing up and doing pretty good. She even went to work today. I think she was pretty tired though! She went to the Oncologist on Friday. He said that she is "doing well" and he said that he doesn't tell many people that so that was reassuring. With the spread of the cancer to the lymph nodes she is in Stage 2 but certainly manageable. He wants to see her back in two weeks and then the Chemo will start after that. He wants to make sure that all her incisions are good and healed before doing the Chemo--makes sense. So we will have a nice Thanksgiving with all the kids! Mom is still in good spirits and just ready to start the Chemo to see how it will affect her. Again, thanks for all the prayers, thoughts, cards, meals, etc it really is making this whole situation a little easier to deal with!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Sounds like Mom will start chemotherapy the week of Thanksgiving. We are thankful that this was caught early and that she is still with us. Just disappointed that she has to go through all of this.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Not Great News...but she'll be okay!

Mom went to the doctor today and got her drain out of arm so I am hoping that this will alleviate some of her discomfort. At the appointment she found out the test results from the lymph nodes that they removed last week at her surgery. Unfortunately, they did find cancer in 2 of them. This really doesn't change much as far as treatments and what will be done next. She goes back to the surgeon next to assure that the incisions are healing properly and also sees the Oncologist to finalize Chemotherapy. My guess is that will start within the next couple of weeks. I say the sooner the better (easy for me to say). Mom said they showed her some exercises to do to get her arm back in shape---sounds like that was a lot of fun :) She is hanging in there and trying to get into a routine every day to keep things as normal as possible. Looks like she may not be back to work for awhile. I think that her main focus as this point needs to be focusing on staying healthy and keeping herself strong. Mom really appreciates all the cards, calls, meals, etc. A good support system is one of the most important things in someone's recovery and my mom is blessed to have a great network of friends and family!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Getting Out

I headed to Defiance yesterday. Mom had a bit of cabin fever. She and I went out to see Grampa at the nursing home and Mom picked up a couple of things that she needed. It was pretty quick trip but I think it's just what Mom needed! She continues to feel better almost daily. She is still pretty sore. She gets the drain tube out on Tuesday and I would hope that would take care of some of the discomfort. Slow but sure she is recovering from this surgery. No other doctor appointments until next week so we won't know much else until then.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Spoke to Mom yesterday and she seems to be doing a little better. She said the mornings are pretty rough but she was hoping that today she could get up a little more. She was hoping to be back to work in about 2 weeks but said she wasn't sure if that would be able to happen. I reminded it had only been 48 hours since her surgery. That is about it for now!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Big "C"

Well Mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer October 13, 2009. Since the start of this all she has had to undergo two surgeries, testing, and several doctor appointments. The most recent surgery was on Monday November 2, 2009. They did several things. First, they removed the lymph nodes from under her left arm, they took out some additional tissue around where the lump was to assure that the cancer was gone, and they put in a port to be used when she starts chemotherapy. The surgery went well (easy for me to say)--they found no more cancer in the lymph nodes but they did send them for additional testing just to be sure(not sure when the test results come back). She stayed in the hospital Monday night and was able to come home Tuesday about 2 or so. She is still feeling pretty rough (to be expected). For now, she will continue to recover from this surgery and then in the next 2-4 weeks depending on how she is doing she will start a course of Chemotherapy (I don't have all the details on the schedule).

Keeping friends and family updated.

I thought that I would start this blog (with my mom's permission)--to keep everyone up to date with her fight. I know that my Mom has touched so many lives and she has so many people who care for her. That means the world to our family. My mom is a fighter and I know that despite this set back she will beat this and will be around to watch her grandkids graduate high school (mom's words--she doesn't have time to be sick). We all appreciate all the calls, cards, prayers, kind thoughts, and on and on. It is amazing to me how so many people want to help and I know that is because my Mom has always been the one to reach out a helping hand to someone in need. Karma is a good thing. I will try to update this several days per week. As always, continue to pray for her as this isn't going to get much easier for awhile. I will be glad to take any phone calls or emails. I know mom will probably not feel like talking. Please leave comments and I will make sure that Mom sees them!