Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Not Great News...but she'll be okay!

Mom went to the doctor today and got her drain out of arm so I am hoping that this will alleviate some of her discomfort. At the appointment she found out the test results from the lymph nodes that they removed last week at her surgery. Unfortunately, they did find cancer in 2 of them. This really doesn't change much as far as treatments and what will be done next. She goes back to the surgeon next to assure that the incisions are healing properly and also sees the Oncologist to finalize Chemotherapy. My guess is that will start within the next couple of weeks. I say the sooner the better (easy for me to say). Mom said they showed her some exercises to do to get her arm back in shape---sounds like that was a lot of fun :) She is hanging in there and trying to get into a routine every day to keep things as normal as possible. Looks like she may not be back to work for awhile. I think that her main focus as this point needs to be focusing on staying healthy and keeping herself strong. Mom really appreciates all the cards, calls, meals, etc. A good support system is one of the most important things in someone's recovery and my mom is blessed to have a great network of friends and family!

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