Monday, November 23, 2009

Update--Chemo in about 2 weeks

Mom is healing up and doing pretty good. She even went to work today. I think she was pretty tired though! She went to the Oncologist on Friday. He said that she is "doing well" and he said that he doesn't tell many people that so that was reassuring. With the spread of the cancer to the lymph nodes she is in Stage 2 but certainly manageable. He wants to see her back in two weeks and then the Chemo will start after that. He wants to make sure that all her incisions are good and healed before doing the Chemo--makes sense. So we will have a nice Thanksgiving with all the kids! Mom is still in good spirits and just ready to start the Chemo to see how it will affect her. Again, thanks for all the prayers, thoughts, cards, meals, etc it really is making this whole situation a little easier to deal with!

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